Friday, December 21, 2007



汽車的油電系統有許多直接的關聯性,電路老舊損耗會導致行車越來越耗油,油門不順、點火效率不佳、換檔不順,牽一髮而動全身,因為小小的電路問題會使愛車出現一連串的毛病,終於,救星出現了,市面唯一日本原廠授權 i-CHARGE 可以從電路穩壓做改善,經 i-CHARGE 電子穩壓器,您的愛車就像獲得神功護體,幾乎所有小毛病都可迎刃而解,而且 i-CHARGE 電子穩壓器的安裝非常簡易,只要接在點煙器就可以啟動,不用放添加劑等奇奇怪怪的東西在油箱裡面,冒著愛車損壞的風險。

• 電壓穩定系統
• 電池監測系統
• 噪音降低系統

• 有效節省燃油
• 穩定引擎轉速
• 提升扭力
• 提升整體輸出馬力
• 提升愛車週邊電子配備的整體效能

• 油門反應靈敏,引擎馬力大幅提升
• 降低行車時電腦之誤動作率,大幅提高車輛工作效能
• 改善引擎換檔時不順暢現象
• 改善因馬力不足需猛踩油門所耗掉的油,節省油耗
• 提高點火效率,引擎起動更順暢
• 大幅延長車用電器電路系統使用壽命
• 安裝簡易,使用安全性高,女性車主DIY的第一選擇
• 適用於所有品牌的汽車
• 減少雜訊對音響的干擾,提供更優美的音質與效果
• 雙道保險絲保護產品與您的愛車,請消費者安心使用
• 加速轉速攀升,即使夏天將冷氣開到強冷,你也可以同步感受加速轉升的強力衝擊
• 降低引擎廢氣之排放
• 保固一年


• 本產品不可私自折開或改裝以免產生故障
• 本產品僅供 12V 電壓之汽車使用
• 行駛中不可做插拔之動作
• 使用時,務必將 i-CHARGE 逆電流器之插頭確實插到底
• 若點煙器插座內彈簧片有鬆脫狀況,務必使用螺絲起子作調整
• 省油效果會因各車主駕駛習慣、氣候、路況、汽車性能而有所不同

Importance of Car Electronics and Stability of In-Car Voltage

Do you know how important is electrical voltage to your car performance and life-span? Many problems occurred in your car now are due to unstable voltage supply, and if your car is not taken care of ASAP, it will then worsen to serious problem later. Most of the car owners look for mechanics assistance when having problems with their cars from time to time. They are unable to find the right cause and remedy to the problems, and worst of all, car owners have to compromise to the problems most of the time. As we know "precaution is better then treatment", like we take good care of our body, we should take good care of our car before it is too late. Small spending in advance is definitely a wise investment, as it has very high cost/performance in returns.

Electrical systems in our cars are interconnected to each other. To get perfect performance you need a good and harmony electrical circuit environment. For example, if you have a old and less efficient ignition circuit in your car, you will have very poor fuel consumption, low throttle response, misfiring problem, jerking gear shift, all problems may occurred due to a single defect in another electrical problem. So to maintain optimum electrical performance in your car, we need to have a very stable voltage environment. Here comes a new electronic device - i-CHARGE, original patent/copyright from Japan, a multi-purpose Voltage Stabilizer with built in Battery Doctor System and Interference Reducer System. Once you use i-CHARGE, your car is in best control by this product, it will solve small problems that due to unstable voltage during driving. What is more wonderful, it is so easy to installed, with just a plug into cigar-lighter socket, will activate this device. Unlike other fuel saving product, by adding chemical and tablets into the fuel tank, increase the risk of car damages.

Featurei-CHARGE Voltage Stabilizer has the following three systems:
• Voltage Stabilizer System
• Interference Reducer System
• Battery Doctor System

• Fuel saving
• Better RPM response
• Increase engine torque
• Engine power up
• Optimized all electronic devices in car

• Do not disassemble or modify this product to avoid damage or injury.
• Only design for 12V vehicles. Do not use on 24V vehicles.
• Do not plug in and out from the cigar-lighter socket during driving.
• When install, please make sure the plug of i-CHARGE is securely in contact with the socket.
• If the cigar-lighter socket is loosened due to previous usage of other charging device, please adjust the contact point inside the socket before plug in.
• Fuel saving effect will differ according to car type, driving behavior, weather, road condition etc.

• Faster throttle response, engine power up.
• Reduce car CPU noise signal, improve CPU reaction time, improve electronic efficiency.
• Smoother gear shift on automatic car.
• Improve engine power, better acceleration response, hence improve fuel saving.
• Maximize ignition efficiency, easier engine start.
• Prolong engine and electrical device life-span.
• Easy installation, totally DIY, the first choice for ladies drivers.
• Universal for all cars and motorcycles
• Reduce noise with built in noise filter, improve sound system performance.
• Equipped with double fuse protection, for better product life and safety.
• Faster RPM response, it gives you powerful acceleration even when your car's air condition turn on to maximum load.
• Cleaner exhaust emission on HC and CO gas. So more environment friendly.
• Twelve (12) months Limited Product Warranty.